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debconf-set-selections - insert?

Jul 20, 2018 · You can inspect what gets stored in debconf using debconf-get-sel?

Samuel Hapak Samuel Hapak. … So "debconf way" that works (in Debian Stretch) would be: echo "tzdata tzdata/Areas select Europe" | debconf-set-selections echo "tzdata tzdata/Zones/Europe select Madrid" | debconf … debconf-set-selections can be used to pre-seed the debconf database with answers, or to change answers in the database. debconf-set-selections - insert new values into the debconf database SYNOPSIS¶ debconf-set-selections file debconf-get-selections | ssh newhost debconf-set-selections DESCRIPTION¶ debconf-set-selections can be used to pre-seed the debconf database with answers, or to change answers in the database. The debconfmod state module manages the enforcement of debconf selections, this state can set those selections prior to package installation. Remove any existing peripherals and attached hardware. travis hunter rating ncaa 25 Each question will be marked as seen to. Mysql : can't set lower_case_table_names variable; lower_case_table_names option not working; I'm trying to install MySQL 819 on Ubuntu Server 20 lower_case_table_names=1 cannot be set after mysql has already been initialized, which happens automatically when installing from the package repositories. To set the time on a Casio Illuminator watch, select the home time with the D button. debconf-set-selections can be used to pre-seed the debconf database with answers, or to … Solved like this: export LANG=C export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # very important debconf-set-selections < debconf apt-get -y install dselect dselect update dpkg. facilitated diffusion and are alike since neither requires I am writing a simple bash script to install MySQL on Ubuntu. To check if the format of your preconfiguration file is valid before performing an install, you can use the command debconf-set-selections -c preseed B Using preseeding The output of debconf-get-selection, once the comment and blank lines are filtered out, consists of records (i rows) of 4 (or sometimes 3) whitespace-separated fields --set-selections Set package selections using file read from stdin. Rundeck debconf-set-selection: Ask Question Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. Here is what I got so far: echo ' debconf-set-selections can be used to pre-seed the debconf database with answers, or to change answers in the database. echo package package/key {boolean,string} {true, some string} | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo apt-get install package In this specific instance: echo chef chef/chef_server_url string | sudo debconf-set-selections To find the key, after installing the package you can look for it with debconf-get-selections (shipped in the debconf-utils package): debconf-set-selections does not work in Dockerfile. internet historian plagiarism response Each question will be marked as seen to prevent debconf from … debconf-set-selections can be used to pre-seed the debconf database with answers, or to change answers in the database. ….

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