H2H N°19: Heart 2 Heart with Bali-based Designer and Director, Sally Linsdell.

With wit and wild ideas – this is Sally, Bali-based Designer and Director. She shares her current goals, how art inspires her design, and calls for more creative risk-taking.

Q N°1: Tell us what you do and what projects you’re currently up to! 

I am a creative director & designer predominately working in selected music and fashion industries, and expanding into branding and art direction. As a creator, I am constantly striving to blur the lines between art and design. Breaking down boundaries between high and low, and using art as a tool to power design. At the moment, I’m currently heading up the creative direction for a portfolio of alcohol brands here in Indonesia; Kura Kura Beer, White Monkey Wines, and Plaga.

Q N°2: Home for you?

Home for the last 8 years has been Bali, but I’m originally from the North-East of England. At that time I had on paper everything I thought I wanted; a design studio, my own place in the city, and a lot of early carer success…but inside me I knew it wasn’t it. So in the space of 6 weeks, I resigned as director, sold everything I owned, bought a one way to ticket to Bali and 8 years later—here we are!

Q N°3: Describe your creative life in 4 words!

Curious, Considered, Conceptual, and Collaborative.

Q N°4: What advice would you give your younger creative self?

Know your worth.

Q N°5: Was there a moment or learning curve that dramatically shaped your path as a professional?

I’m not sure I can pinpoint a specific moment. From a very young age, even before high school, I always knew I wanted to be in the art and design landscape. I was very fortunate that my high school was a ‘Media Arts School’ and we were taught Adobe from a very early age. I then went on to study design for 3 years in college, before receiving a Bachelors Degree in Graphic Arts and diving straight into building a studio. I was a stubborn child, who knew what she wanted.

Q N°6: What skills are important to possess as a creative in your field?


Q N°7: What’s one thing within your creative industry that could be improved? / What does the future of your creative industry look like – ideally?

I would love to see this industry strive to push boundaries more, step outside the comfort zones and ultimately take more risks. Encourage more playfulness and less of creating what I would deem safe, by the book and in-offensive design. Creatives are wolves not sheep after all…

Q N°8: Could you recommend a book, platform or other that re-shifted your perspective and approach to creative work?

Yes! A life-changing documentary film called Beautiful Losers by Aaron Rose. The film delves into the lives and creative journeys of a group of artists, skaters and punks who came up in the alternative subcultures of the 1990s in New York. It’s a story of unhinged creativity, emphasized self-expression, independence and authenticity. Challenging social norms, and celebrating counter-culture. The resilience and determination to stay true to their visions struck a cord with me—These were my people.

Q N°9: Please share one of your driving values or principles you adhere to on the day-to-day.

It’s not much a value or principle; but certainly something that has driven me in my day-to-day as a Creative Director has been the opportunity to provide a cause, outlet, and platform to share some of the unbelievable creative talent here in Indonesia. Be it artists, photographers, designers and videographers. I feel very blessed to have connected and collaborated with so many beautiful people.

Q N°10: As it’s growing to be an important demand and integral to future business models, what will attributes such as sustainability or freedom look like to you in your creative work?

Freedom in my creative work has been challenged lately, but freedom to me means exploring unconventional, innovative and boundary-pushing ideas without fear of judgment or restraints and fostering an environment where everyone feels represented, empowered and heard.

Thanks for reading Heart to Heart with Sally Linsdell (@sallylinsdell)!

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