Creative block? Here are 3 main guiding questions and tips to get you back on track!

We’ve all been there before; heavy procrastination, loss of motivation, undefined vision and purpose. But what if we start seeing and celebrating creative roadblocks as an opportunity for growth that shapes our journey?
1 “What do I truly want to achieve and what strategies will I place toward this goal?”
We know it’s quite cliché, but brainstorming questions such as “where do you want to be in __ months/years” is a good start. You can support and direct this brainstorm by incorporating a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timebound) chart. This chart can support further questions such as “What are my restrictions and limitations?” and “What habits can help me towards achieving my objectives?”. This helps narrow down grand questions and directs strategy plans.
2 “What pillars of needs contribute to my happiness?”
We believe that the growth behind anything you do in life is exponentially higher when you’re happy doing it, especially within your creative pursuits!

These are 3 pillars we personally hold that pursue happiness in our role …
1 Connection and contribution: “How can I make my tasks give me a sense of purpose and validation?”

2 Be challenged: “Am I interested and growing in my role? In what ways can I be better?”

3 Be supported: “Am I surrounding myself with the right people and communities? Who can I rely on for mentorship?”
3 “What further skills and knowledge can guide me?”
Continuous learning is as important for all!An open mind and enthusiasm are essential to your growth so celebrate the many forms of information, whether it be new projects out of your comfort zone, new applications and tools, different techniques, workshops, podcasts etc.

You can further your strategy by defining how much time you can dedicate to learning and how much investment you’re willing to make (eg. read 10 books per year, attend 2 conferences…).
Another vital consideration is researching your learning style! Find out what works best for you! So be gentle with yourself, but get ready to dive deep!
We’ve brought ourselves to the realization that we want to do better and approach things differently ­ and that within itself is already a step forward!

Thearosa Perez

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