Our Takeaway for Designers

3 Trend-Based Treats for 2023
Bring on the Brutalism, Baby!
We are seeing interpretations of brutalism rising in the digital space, modernised with a lighter edge.

Try substituting small typography with sans serifs, and creating designs of distinct lines and exaggerated spaces to assist strong visuals. Fonts and bold colours will carry projects in 2023.

Brutalism celebrates rawness experimentally, where ruggedness and lack of concern for approachability are part of its fashion!
Allow your sense of humour to come into play.
While we are grounded and focused in our work ethic, we always allow our sense of humour to come into play. With more understanding comes more flexibility and with more trust comes more freedom.

Try to build one of your values around ‘Ease’ and ‘Freedom’, as they are not only promising values, but trending attributes in consumers needs and behaviour in 2023.


Use your Breath to brainstorm.

Out with the old, in with the new. When lost for ideas, one of our tools is to sit in silence for five deep and slow breaths, followed by one long inhale and five quick exhales. Try establishing this routine of adhering to your breath to clear your mind of emails and meetings, ready for new and fresh ideas to appear.

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